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Currently enrolled students may request a change in permanent address by sending the Registrar’s Office (registrar@gener8co.com) an email from the Northwest email account with the following information: 919#, Firstname, Lastname, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Phone
NOTE: Residence Hall address changes must be made through the Residential Life Office
A student’s residency status for fee purposes is determined at the time of admission according to state policy (Code of State Regulations 6 CSR 10-3.010). Copies of the residency policy and petitions for change of residency status are available on the Northwest webpage at http://vuo6.gener8co.com/admissions/apply/residency.htm or by request from the Office of Admissions. Petitions must be submitted to the Office of Admissions prior to the beginning of the semester for which the change is desired. A student who qualifies for Missouri residency maintains that residency as long as he/she is continuously enrolled.